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The Diaphanoids
"Blessed Poisons"

The shamanistic sleaze psychallucisergic rock of The Diaphanoids.

The shamanistic sleaze psychallucisergic rock of The Diaphanoids.
They got re-toxed again, and "Blessed poisons" is their answer to the cleansed and disinfected psychedelic scene around now, a punkier, snarlier take on the childish and harmless new cosmic sound.
The third part of a trilogy regarding space travelers, inner and outer trips, this time seems that the strangest and more distant world is the daily reality, and the only way to escape ordinary madness and next-door resident aliens is staying disconnected and in an altered state.
A bit of what you fancy... well, then some more more more!
It's the sound of Visions, of scarves drenched in oils and blood and brutal Sunday mornings in the drunk tank.
"Blessed Poisons" with its fractured rhythm, x-ray guitars, stoned vocals and pills salade.
"My Friends Can Fly", the psychocandy pop hit BBC would never play.
"Too Many Stars And Not Enough Night" : ecstatic floating guitars and crystal keyboards to shine infinitely.
"Retoxed And Somehow Heavily Szymckzhycked": if the body is a temple let's wreck it with acidic grooves, switchblade guitars and toxic drones.
"F(uck)Y(our)W(orld)" : mantra-like vocals for a velvety sweet hymn to modern spleen.
"Iconize Yourself" : smacked-down drums and hashed-up guitar solos for the end of the world.
"I Appeared To The Holy Virgin" : mystic and illuminated, some of the harmony left in the dark side of the spoon.
"Jesus' Son", the last rebel waving his freak-unique flag high, a false prophet blazing like a crazy diamond, screeching guitars like holy worms, drums in a trance, freaky electronics.
While they had roots in the nu-disco and electronic wars, they are miles above that crass commercial fracas, and really, below it as well.
"Blessed Poisons" is a true howl from the gutter, a full-throated warcry from underground, slithery, dive-bar hallucinated sleaze-kings, altered stated junkies' royalty flailing wildly in a dead, empty reality.
Candies from strangers... mmmhhhhh, want some?

Written arranged, produced and performed by Simon Marco Maccari and Andrea Bellentani.
Recorded @Peak Studio Italy.
Published by Dharma Songs.
(P) & (C) 2017 People In The Sky

1. Blessed Poisons Buy Track ( 0.75)
2. My Friends Can Fly Buy Track ( 0.75)
3. FYW Buy Track ( 0.75)
4. Too Many Stars And Not Enough Night Buy Track ( 0.75)
5. Jesus's Son Buy Track ( 0.75)
6. I Appeared To The Holy Virgin Buy Track ( 0.75)
7. Retoxed And Somehow Heavily Szymckzhycked Buy Track ( 0.75)
8. Iconize Yourself Buy Track ( 0.75)
Buy All Tracks ( 4.78)

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